Friday, 2 August 2019

Elemis Biotec Skin Energising Cleanser

Over the past few years I have been introduced to a vast variety of brands that I'd of course previously heard about, but had never really had the chance to try out before. One of those brands was Elemis and oh my goodness I can't even express how happy I am that I was introduced to the Elemis world!! Whilst there are a few products I have tried, tested and loved; the one that stood out to me the most was the 'Skin Energising' cleanser from the 'Biotec' range that launched back in 2016. Elemis very kindly gifted me some PR samples, and as I worked my way through those I just knew that I needed to go and stock up on another one of these beauties before it ran out. Now that I've had the opportunity to use the Elemis 'Biotec Skin Energising Cleanser' over quite a prolonged period of time, I felt it time to write a review outlining why it remains to be one of my all-time favourite cleansers to use.

I always associated Elemis as being that which possess a price tag I'm not usually accustomed to spending on skincare. Nevertheless, I actually found with the 'Biotec Skin Energising Cleanser' that the quality is so superior to other cleansers I'd previously tried that it proved to be a lot more cost-per-use effective in comparison.  Two small pumps of this gorgeous cleanser is enough to fully cover my face and neck with ease, and considering it's a hefty 200ml for £40.00, I think that that's pretty impressive. Two pumps and a splash of water later, you're faced with (excuse the pun) a luxuriously nourishing, thick lather which really does feel as though you're treating yourself to a facial each and every time you use it. Not only does it cleanse the skin both beautifully and gently; but it has helped to inject some glow back into my usually sensitive, dull-looking skin - something I wouldn't normally expect from something that doesn't spend all too long on your face in comparison to other, more concentrated products designed for that purpose. 

I use this morning and evening as, whilst it's gentle, it is enough to feel as though I'm achieving a sufficient cleanse too. After a few weeks alone my skin looked glowing, hydrated, healthy and fresh. Over time, my skin has transformed into that which feels so much more plump and balanced. Whilst my very oily t-zone hasn't totally disappeared, my dry cheeks have returned back to a normal texture and I have noticed an overall reduction in the oil production across those central regions of my face. With regards to its make-up removing power, I personally enjoy the feeling of this cleanser against my bare skin so much that I simply don't feel any need to use it to remove any make-up. Nevertheless, on those rare occasions where I don't feel like using my beloved Ultrabland cleanser by Lush Cosmetics (review here), I have noticed that it is very good at breaking down and cleaning off any make-up residue - including waterproof mascara. 

In the past, scented skincare never used to bother me as much as it does now (I do feel a bit sensitive in the mornings!!), so, naturally, I'm going to mention the scent of this cleanser. In short, I have no idea what it smells like other than it smells like the most beautiful cleanser I have ever smelt. Think spa, but a mix between relaxation and invigoration alongside a lovely tone of warmth - BEAUTIFUL. As I said before - the texture and consistency of this cleanser creates an experience similar to that facilitated by a professional facial, and boy oh boy the beautiful scent of this totally raises that experience to a whole new level. If you have sensitive skin and usually avoid fragranced items in order to avoid potential aggravation - I would recommend picking up a sample of this to just give it a go. I myself was pleasantly surprised, and what's even more special about this cleanser is that I am able to use it to wash/clean my eyes too and suffer absolutely no reaction whatsoever. (Obviously everyone's different so I would never recommend just rubbing this straight into your eyes, but it could be something to consider is all I'm saying!). My skin has proved so sensitive at times that even a splash of cold water felt too harsh, so I was thrilled that I could not only enjoy this lovely cleanser, but it's fragrance also. 

Notable Ingredients (in order of prominence in product):
Sodium Lauroyl Sarcosinate - This is NOT the same as Sodium Lauryl Sulfate which you're probably more likely to associate with 'SLS'. Rather, this is a foaming agent that has been scientifically proven to be generally safer to use on the skin and body. 

Sodium Benzoate - Occurring naturally in certain plants, sodium benzoate is a preservative possessing low levels of toxicity - meaning it is widely used across the food and cosmetic industry. Regardless, certain studies have shown that if mixed with certain other components, it does have the potential to damage cells. Nevertheless, this would only be in high concentrations over a very pro-longed period of time. Any 'damaging' levels would not be allowed in the UK market. I did think it worth mentioning however incase you perhaps use other skincare items in your routine that also contain this ingredient.

Lactic Acid - Otherwise known as an AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acid), this exfoliates the top layers of dead skin (giving that lovely glow that I talked about!). On it's own it can cause irritation but alongside the other soothing ingredients in this product anything felt is extremely minimal. Nevertheless, when using any type of AHA you need to ensure you wear sufficient SPF to help protect your fresh, more 'vulnerable' skin from potential sun damage.

Frankincense Oil & Patchouli Oil- Antiseptic ingredients that tone and lift - overtime helping to minimise relevant effects of ageing such as sagging and wrinkling of skin. I don't have wrinkles as of yet so I can't vouch for it's effectiveness in this product, however my skin does indeed feel more plump and toned now after prolonged daily use.

Sodium Hydroxide - A pH adjuster that can aggravate particularly sensitive skin. 

Amber Extract - Possesses anti-oxidant properties that aid to strengthen and condition the skin.

Overall I have to say that this is one of the best, nourishing cleansers I have come across in a long while, thus making it a staple in my day-to-day skincare routines. I often find that foaming cleansers are usually too stripping - or at the opposite end of the scale - too moisturising. This falls perfectly between the two, and despite having used this particular bottle twice a day every day since the start of the year, I'm very happy to see I've hardly even made a dent in it! 

What cleansers are a staple in your skincare routine? Leave a comment below and share! 

- Hannah x

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