Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Lush Butterbear Bath Bomb

I know, I knoooooow. Oh deary me. I think it's safe to say that I got a litttttttle (ok, a lot) behind on publishing my Blogmas posts but never fear! I aim to have fully caught up by the end of the week, so stay tuned for lots of new updates over the next few coming days! Life, health, uni deadlines and social life all got in the way - blimey, December is a bit of a busy one isn't it?! Either way, as I've shared numerous times before here on Hannah Delacour, I find there's nothing better to help you relax in the evenings than to have a nice, warm (aka burning hot) bath - especially now that we've moved into the winter months! I'd never tried many things from the Lush Christmas range before so I was super excited to pick up quite a few goodies this year, and the first I had to try just haaaad to be this cute lil' bath bomb named 'Butterbear'. 


Sunday, 6 December 2015

Lush Mask of Magnaminty Review

When I have weeks full of uni deadlines alongside work commitments, it's so easy to keep getting myself wound up - so I always try to ensure to take some 'me time' out in the evening before bed, just to make sure I'm as calm and relaxed as I can possibly be before I go to sleep. I'm sure many a people do that too, but if you don't - please don't let other people or work stresses completely demolish your day and the start of the next. Your mental health and emotional clarity is far more important (easier said than done, I know). One of the methods I find most helpful in relaxing my mood is to use a face mask and today, I will be talking about an all time favourite of mine - the Mask of Magnaminty by Lush. (link)

For the longest time, I was always deterred from buying one of the all-famous Fresh Face Masks by Lush due to their short life span. What's absolutely fabulous now however is that Lush responded to this wide deterrent and produced a 'self-preserving' adaptation of the highly raved about mask, so that's shelf life is extended to approximately three months. Still not perfect, but it definitely provides a more realistic time span to get through it in my opinion!

Lush boldly label this mask as a 'multi-purpose' saviour: seeking to clean, calm and clear the skin. From past experience, I have usually found that a 'multi-purpose' mask is only truly good at one of the properties it so adopts. Nevertheless, I really have found that regular use (once a week) of the Mask of Magnaminty mask has contributed greatly to the clearing and calming of my skin. Despite this, I'd recommend that anyone who suffers particularly sensitive skin to try out a sample first, as it's prominent ingredient of peppermint oil - intended to 'stimulate the skin' - may stimulate a little too much for your liking. I have found at times that if my skin is feeling especially sensitive, Mask of Magnaminty can spark a burning feeling which feels very harsh on the skin. Whilst this is the case on occasion, my overall experience whilst using this mask has proved to be quite an enjoyable, beneficial one!

Lush also highlights

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